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Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям - magnetic


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Перевод с английского языка magnetic на русский

магнетик, магнитный материал MAGNETIC ACTION действие магнитного поля
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  1) магнетик 2) магнетический 3) магнитен 4) магнитноактивный 5) магнитный 6) ферромагнетик beneficial magnetic aging — физ. стабилизация магнита, стабилизация магнитная collapse of the magnetic field — исчезновение магнитного поля composite magnetic circuit — сложный магнитопровод core-type magnetic circuit — магнитопровод стержневого типа cylindrical magnetic domain — компьют. домен магнитный цилиндрический detrimental magnetic aging — состаривание магнита establish magnetic field — возбуждать магнитное поле guiding magnetic field — ведущее магнитное поле hard magnetic material — магнитно-жесткий материал, физ. материал магнитнотвердый magnetic blow-out coil — катушка магнитного дутья magnetic bubble domain — компьют. домен магнитный плоский magnetic center punch — магнитный разметчик центров magnetic collar locator — магнитный локатор муфт magnetic contactor switch — магнитный контактор magnetic core array — куб запоминающего устройства magnetic core matrix — матрица на ферритовых сердечниках magnetic core plane — ферритовая матрица magnetic difference of potential — магнитное напряжение magnetic disk memory — память на магнитных дисках magnetic disk recorder — магнитофон на дисках magnetic displacement vector — вектор магнитной индукции magnetic drum memory — память на магнитном барабане magnetic field energy — энергетика магнитного поля magnetic field...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. физ. магнетик; ферромагнетик 2. магнитный magnetic bearing —- магнитный азимут (пеленг); направление магнитной стрелки magnetic course —- магнитный курс magnetic elements —- элементы (земного) магнетизма magnetic field —- магнитное поле magnetic needle —- магнитная стрелка magnetic pole —- магнитный полюс magnetic storm —- магнитная буря magnetic drum —- магнитный барабан magnetic tape —- магнитная лента 3. притягивающий, привлекательный his magnetic personality —- непреодолимая притягательная сила (привлекательность) его личности 4. месмерический he directed his magnetic eyes at me —- он посмотрел на меня (своими) завораживающими глазами, он устремил на меня (свой) гипнотизирующий взгляд ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  needle магнитная стрелка; MAGNETIC storm магнитная буря MAGNETIC declination магнитное склонение; MAGNETIC adj.  1) магнитный; - magnetic declination - magnetic needle - magnetic storm  2) притягивающий, привлекательный; магнетический ...
Англо-русский словарь
  adj. 1 a having the properties of a magnet. b producing, produced by, or acting by magnetism. 2 capable of being attracted by or acquiring the properties of a magnet. 3 very attractive or alluring (a magnetic personality). Phrases and idioms magnetic compass = COMPASS 1. magnetic disk see DISC. magnetic equator an imaginary line, near the equator, on which a magnetic needle has no dip. magnetic field a region of variable force around magnets, magnetic materials, or current-carrying conductors. magnetic inclination = DIP n. 8. magnetic mine a submarine mine detonated by the proximity of a magnetized body such as that of a ship. magnetic moment the property of a magnet that interacts with an applied field to give a mechanical moment. magnetic needle a piece of magnetized steel used as an indicator on the dial of a compass and in magnetic and electrical apparatus, esp. in telegraphy. magnetic north the point indicated by the north end of a compass needle. magnetic pole 1 each of the points near the extremities of the axis of rotation of the earth or another body where a magnetic needle dips vertically. 2 each of the regions of an artificial or natural magnet, from which the magnetic forces appear to originate. magnetic storm a disturbance of the earth's magnetic field caused by charged particles from the sun etc. magnetic tape a tape coated with magnetic material for recording sound or pictures or for the storage of information. Derivatives magnetically adv. Etymology: LL magneticus (as MAGNET) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Date: 1611  1. possessing an extraordinary power or ability to attract a ~ personality  2.  a. of or relating to a magnet or to magnetism  b. of, relating to, or characterized by the earth's magnetism  c. magnetized or capable of being magnetized  d. actuated by ~ attraction  • ~ally adverb  II. noun  Date: 1654 a ~ substance ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. If something metal is magnetic, it acts like a magnet. ...magnetic particles. ADJ: usu ADJ n 2. You use magnetic to describe something that is caused by or relates to the force of magnetism. The electrically charged gas particles are affected by magnetic forces. ADJ • magnetically ...metal fragments held together magnetically. ADV: ADV after v 3. You use magnetic to describe tapes and other objects which have a coating of a magnetic substance and contain coded information that can be read by computers or other machines. ...her magnetic strip ID card. ADJ: usu ADJ n 4. If you describe something as magnetic, you mean that it is very attractive to people because it has unusual, powerful, and exciting qualities. ...the magnetic effect of the prosperous German economy on would-be immigrants. ADJ: usu ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 connected with or produced by magnetism  (magnetic forces | a magnetic disk) 2 magnetic personality/charm etc a personality etc that makes other people feel strongly attracted towards you 3 having the power of a magnet  (a magnetic bulletin board) - magnetically adv ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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